The REAL reason of the TEG fuckery.
Created by: PJB3005
Description of issue
The TEG's main piece which does all the processing ticks faster than the pipenet, causing it to effectively run at double the speed for the pipenet every few ticks. When this happens it jams because the gas hasn't been moved before last tick.
Difference between expected and actual behavior
TEG to tick at the same rate as pipenets, but it actually ticks faster.
Steps to reproduce
Make a TEG.
Specific information for locating
Length of time in which bug has been known to occur
Issue bingo
Please check whatever applies. More checkboxes checked increase your chances of not being yelled at by every contributor.
Issue could be reproduced at least once -
Issue could be reproduced by different players -
Issue could be reproduced in multiple rounds -
Issue happened in a recent (less than 7 days ago) round (has the TEG been set up in the last 7 days?) -
Couldn't find an existing issue about this