Bus Station - Medbay Complaints
Created by: TheFriggenSawbones
ok medbay pros lets unite here.
The placement of things is kinda fucked up. Cryo being so close to the entrance is bad, possibly switch it with where the sleepers are? I feel like it'd be better as sleepers can be used to solve problems quickly while cryo is usually a longer commitment. Also it'd be so easy to fuck up cryo as a traitor with it being right there.
No lobby area kinda sucks but I guess you can't really have it since it's a compact station.
Speaking of cryo, the tubes should be under the tiles probably.
Chemistry and Storage should switch - It sucks to have the chem freezer far away and behind a door.
The morgue feels way too big, especially when you look at cloning and it's a small piece of shit.
Possibly reroute the way into the telepad room? Medbay having its own is cool (how the fuck does teleporting aliens work is that going to kill everyone) but being behind two doors kinda sucks and overall the room feels kinda overly big.
In the end I think medbay needs a ton of reshuffling as it's clunky as hell. A lot of bigger rooms need to be smaller, and smaller rooms bigger.