Requesting more solidification
Created by: Killette2
In the chemistry code there is a recipe that is almost never used, and for a good reason. Other than xenobotany, you almost never encounter plasma in the liquid form naturally, but there is plasma solidification. Here is that code.
name = "Solid Plasma"
id = "solidplasma"
result = null
required_reagents = list("iron" = 5, "frostoil" = 5, "plasma" = 20)
result_amount = 1
on_reaction(var/datum/reagents/holder, var/created_volume)
var/location = get_turf(holder.my_atom)
new /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/plasma(location)
In this request, I am requesting more things being able to be solidified. Liquid gold can come from golden apples, liquid uranium can come from glow berries. Why not let all of the liquid forms of ores be solidifiable?