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Delayed automagdrop sound

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13455/magdrop_delay into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: ultraplen

Adds in a delayed version of the magdrop sound and sets it as the default automagdrop sound.

The new magdrop sound doesnt quite overpower the sound of the final gunshot like the previous ear piercing buzzer. In fact, it is often times completely inaudible. However, because there are so many different gunsounds, fixing it in mixdown is not feasible. Increasing the volume would also be a shitrace. Also, a gunman would take half a second to remove the mag after running out of ammo, so the new sound "makes sense".

Example of the delayed sound:

The non-delayed sound is not deleted as I will use it in future PRs.


  • soundadd: delayed magdrop sound for all automagdrop weapons

Merge request reports