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Fix minimap consoles

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13780/nanoui-consoles into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Zaers

All the minimap consoles were broken, this fixes that.

The first issue with them was that there were two procs for generating minimaps and if they worked right they would do pretty much the same thing (neither of them worked right)(nanomapgen_DumpImageAll()and generateMiniMaps()), I melded them into generateMiniMaps(), making that the only proc that generates the minimap images.

The second issue with them is that generateMiniMaps() was not processing any turfs, this was caused by all the turfs having the NO_MINIMAP flag due to a flag conflict with FPRINT, which is set for all atoms in code/game/ (see __DEFINES/ for the actual flag definitions), I fixed that by splitting the turf specific flags into their own variable .

And the third issue with them is that the html_interface interactive maps are nearly impossible to debug and didn't load right even with the correct minimap files so I reverted those consoles back to their original nanoUI interface and thus they're all working now (their old template files were already present in nano/templates/).

Additionally, now that generateMiniMaps() does some actual work, skipping minimap generation on roundstart would be an actual performance increase and it has been added to the mapping debug verbs to replace the 'Generate NanoUI Maps' function in case prerendering the minimaps is desired

Fixes #13779 (closed) Fixes #13216 Fixes #10035 (closed) Fixes #5945 Fixes #5576

Warn me if this PR isn't atomic enough, but I had to do all this stuff to get the consoles to work 🆑

  • bugfix: Fixed the minimap consoles

Merge request reports