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More necromorphs

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/14120/more_necromorphs into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Skullyton

Adds more necromorphs, as well as move the regular necromorph from to its own file.



They work basically like the frogs from the Tomb away mission, they run at people and latch onto them, causing severe damage.

The problem is, they also like to hide in vents, so care should be taken if you're going into necromorph territory.



A kamikazi unit, runs at its enemies and hits them with its abnormal growth on its left arm, exploding. It also explodes on death so watch your fire.



Must have been a chemist in its last life. When it sees an enemy, it fires projectile puke at it, which spreads polyacid, sulphuric acid, and vomit as it flies until it hits its target. This takes from the pukes internal reservoir, so there is a nice bit of damage dropoff.

Sprites courtesy of @Blithering


  • rscadd: Adds more necromorph types

Merge request reports