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- 258 commits total.
- Lots and lots of refactoring of species/mutantrace code to use languages and species datums and flags. Add Language, Remove Language, Set Species VV options.
- Addition of Vox Heist mode. A team of six Vox raiders sneak around the station and steal your underpants. Also includes a shuttle for their use.
- Lots of bugfixes.
- Pod people rewrite, sprites and lore!
- Brain worms, also called cortical borers!
- Lots of string cleanup.
- Character HUD now shows pain rather than abstract health.
- Adjustments to bring Medical in line with pre-/tg/ merge BS12.
- Booze will harm your liver.
- ERT tweaks and adjustments.
- ZAS tweaks.
- Probably stuff I missed in the shuffle, make a post or hit me with rocks on IRC if you want it added.