Bugs with Hypothermia
Created by: D3athrow-Issues
(WEB REPORT BY: dragonbro REMOTE: For celt.
Basilisks, something to do with min being max or whatever so you're instantly dropped to 20 C core temperature no matter what (Hardsuit doesn't help, chilli only reheats you after the blast rather than acting as a preventative to the cooldown, etc.)
Foam extinguishers don't change ambient room temperature or core temperature at all
Too much of a power difference between frost oil and capsaicin. 5u capsaicin put me to above 100 C core temperature, whereas 5u frost oil barely took me down 2 or 3 degrees core temperature.
Mancrowave, when emagged, fluctuates the poor sod insides core temperature between positive and negative of the next temperature (I.E 3000 C, -4000 C, 5000 C, -6000 C) and normalizing temperature once emagged drops their temperature into the negative, then resets them once they're "done"
emagged mancrowave sprite is way too obvious (Unemagged doesn't have the mancrowave logo on the side, whereas the emagged version does)
Cold doesn't affect carbon mobs such as monkeys, Pun Pun's been in the snow for an hour with just a top hat, and is still chilling as I'm typing this. Intended or no?