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the Space Parallax update

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/10085/parralaxreturns into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: DeityLink

Revealing parallax yesterday gave me some very good feedback, notably, that everyone has their own interpretation of what makes a "good" parallax. Therefore, I've spent a few hours setting things up to crank up the customization up to eleven! Players now have 3 new preference Settings that they can change anytime:

  • Enable/Disable space parallax
  • Enable/Disable spacedust (which has been highly tweaked from the feedback I've had)
  • Set parallax speed (0 to 5, default being 2)

Admins also have a button to change the color of parallaxed space. I'll revamp the way space looks during Nar-Sie/Supermatter Cascade later on.

Here's a few previews of how parallax looks with different settings:

And here's me trying various space colors:

Special thanks to @monster860 who helped me get it working. This code was heavily inspired by his ParadiseSS13/Paradise#4085 . Although unlike Paradise's parallax:

  • stars aren't blended onto the layers, so they keep their twinkling animation
  • the position of the layers is dependent of the players' movements instead of their position, thus there are no "jumps" when you drift from a Z level to the next
  • the layers cycle when you keep moving in the same direction.
  • it's multi-layered.
  • you won't see the edges unless you expand your client.view beyond 22

Also thanks to @dylanstrategie for giving a go at porting it, and bringing it to my attention.

Merge request reports