Change Meteors to use Universal State code
Created by: dylanstrategie
There shouldn't have been any gameplay change, this is solely a refactor
- Meteor Storm Universal State now handles all the meteor storm stuff, like calling the shuttle, spawning supplies and spawning meteor waves
- Meteor gamemode is still around but has been trimmed to only handle delay to announcement, at which point it passes the task to the universal state handler
- Added a proc that handles passing variables to the meteor's universal state specifically
- Added a buzzer sound (warning.ogg, file already existed but wasn't used) just before announcement for ambiance and what not
- Added a new verb under Secrets that triggers the Meteor Storm universal state (just like Nar'Sie and Supermatter)
- Tweaked the end game results
Due to the shuttle controller (the one that handles shuttle calls, not the brand new shuttle controller we added a few months ago) being complete spaghetti, the meteor storm event does not handle the shuttle well. AKA, warning was given to not fire this if the shuttle has been called. Otherwise, it doesn't apply the proper time or does other very weird stuff. Up to the admins to not fuck up, I have given proper written warning in the actual verb
Should not affect meteor gamemode since the shuttle is called before shuttle calls are allowed