Modular couches and minor chair fix
Created by: ultraplen
Technically two and a half things in one but they are in the same file and I dont know how to separate them.
Modular couches:
Basically chairs but with some overlay stuff added in to make it look good. Craftable from metal sheets at 3 sheets per part. 5 types of parts (right end, left end, straight, inwards turn, outwards turn) and 7 colors (red, teal, grey, beige, brown, black, lime). As per @ririchiyo s suggestion the colors are now handled in the code rather than individual sprites for each color.
Credits to @Neinhaus for making the original sprite, @Shadowmech88 for helping me with almost everything and @PJB3005 for helping me with the colors.
Some of the sprites could need a touch up but they are passable.
The minor things:
- Made buckle_overlay the standard variable name for overlay stuff in chairs.
- Added secondary_buckle_overlay variable for all chairs.
- Fixed bug where the office chairs, when facing north and having a mob buckled into it, would place its sprite on the mob instead of under it, making it look like the mob is standing in front of the chair and making the overlay useless.
edit: imgur link added edit2: edited for color-in-the-code changes