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I added a Shop for Box! And some minor changes Part 2

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/11036/Box-Rewire into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: AlphaBuffalo

I added a small shop for all your fencing needs. As well as fixed some minor things not really worth mentioning because it was literally just adding an air alarm in places that didnt have it, and changing tiles to fit my autistic needs.

One thing I did change was the wiring, basically, the station's wiring was in the shape of a U and most people can cut it at one point and cause a blackout to 1 half of the station. I now changed it so you have to cut 2 wires, 3 at most. It helps with explosions as well so engineers have more time on fixing the breach since they dont have to worry about losing power in part of the station, though, the shuttle will be called anyways :\

These are some of the new wires I placed

Merge request reports