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Kitchen Budget Increase

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/1139/butt into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Iamgoofball

Pictures: hvfrq05 icecream swfchut

Adds an oven, candy mixer, and still.

These take food items and output special kinds of customizable foods.

Adds a Grill and Deep Fryer. You can grill or deep fry anything. Clown masks, butts, the HoP's hat, the captain's spare ID, and then eat it.

Adds a Cereal box which makes a box of cereal out of any food item, with a little sprite on it showing what's inside.

Adds around 30 to 40 customizable foods, with a special "on a dish" customizable food in the case that I haven't covered all my bases with food types that are customizable.

Adds renaming food with a pen.

Adds an ice cream machine to make ice cream out of any reagent you want. Polytrinic Space Drug Mindbreaker Creatine ice cream, anyone?

Merge request reports