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Supermatter alerts now only play on the Z level the supermatter is on

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/11485/fixin-stuff into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Skullyton

No more 'Oh fuck call the shuttle and ruin our engineers hard work' because a bored MoMMI accidentally sharded themselves, causing a thermal runaway reaction with the shard. Kinda makes sense considering supermatter no longer affects things not on their Z level as of #8285

Tested a fair bit, but you can only get so far with only being able to be in one place at a time

Not sure if it's associated with this, but I was getting a lot of

visible_message is attempting to call on_see on a hearer that isn't attached to anything: . Previous type of attached: /obj/item/device/radio/headset.

while testing this. Might be Broadcast_message related?

Merge request reports