It's efficiency time
Created by: Duny-
- Added an temporary execution room (temporary because it's not cool enough).
- Fixed exofabs (well, map-wise).
- Fixed double cover for turrets.
- Made main AI's core very slightly more secure against frontal approach.
- Removed old medbay's chem dispenser, shit's as OP as deep fryers.
- Added Nexy's soundsystem and boomboxes to help spot the plebs who soil their computers with wmp.
- Added [special snowflake]'s private beach.
- Renamed [special snowflake]'s private beach to "The metaclub's private beach". Name change will affect tgstation too.
- Teleporter now has rwalls.
- Shoe, suit and hat vending machines added to locker room.
- Nazivend added somewhere.
- MoMMI spawner and cyborg recharging stations added to derelict.
- Fixed all shutters being closed at roundstart.
- Made clown asteroid more clowny.
- Changed bomb testing launch site, hopefully no more bombs exploding 2 meters away from it.
- Cleaned up mining piping.
- Reinforced the research outpost and removed the minerals right next to it.