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Makes airlock eletronics more intuitive

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13159/swipeID into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: jknpj

Changes the cursed non-silicon login 'Swipe ID' to 'Set access', the logout 'Block' to 'Finish' and now you get a nice 'Access Denied' if you try to change it's settings without proper access.

Closes #11834 (closed)


  • tweak: Changes airlock eletronics non-silicon login text from 'Swipe ID' to 'Set access'
  • tweak: Changes airlock eletronics logout text from 'Block' to 'Finish'
  • rscadd: Now you get a nice 'Access Denied' if you try to change airlock eletronics settings without proper access.

Merge request reports