Grende prime logging
Created by: Kammerjunk
Will log priming grenades with co-ordinates instead of without. This is what it looks like in the logs:
[15:15:23]ADMIN: ATTACK: Admin (kammerjunk) primed a grenade at (109,102,1).
[15:15:23]ADMINWARN: <span class="admin"><span class="prefix">ADMIN LOG:</span> <span class="message">ATTACK: Admin (kammerjunk) primed a grenade at <A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=109;Y=102;Z=1'>Bar - 109,102,1</a>.</span></span>
[15:15:26]ACCESS: Logout: *no key*/(Admin) (Bar - 109,102,1)
This is what it looks like in-game:
If anything else needs similar logging, I might as well do that in this PR, so give a shout.