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Remove armor from talisman options

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/1363/Cult-Fix into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: dylanstrategie

After some 10-year old ick-ocking pubbie edgelord has shown us how good of an idea this is, I have decided to remove armor options from the talisman (starting only). Here's my reasoning :

  • A rune already exists and you can imbue a paper, so you sure as hell aren't forbidden from having those edgy cult robes
  • Giving someone the ability to muderbone at roundstart with gear that OPENLY screams what's happening, in a STEALTH GAMEMODE, is one of those good /tg/ ideas that plague our code
  • Seriously, you have three words to research. Hell is usually supplied, then find Destroy and Other. You sure as hell shouldn't be able to summon armor if you wouldn't even be able to make a rune if it raped your mind
  • Cult Armor is a shitty newbie and bored griffer magnet. I'd have wagered to make the button into an instant Cult permaban button, but this would have taken too much effort for such a shitty feature

Merge request reports