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Gives plasmamen lawyers their own suit

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13693/Bleeding-Edge into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Blithering

Adds a plasmaman lawyer suit, complete with attempt at wearing a tie. plasmalaw

also adds a plasmaman bee suit, adminspawn only. buzzman

Changes the suit contained in the plasmaman crate orderable from cargo from the assistant suit to the generic orange one to keep it obtainable. closes #12639 (closed)

This is my first attempt at making a PR so please make sure I haven't broken anything. Edit: hey look, conflicts! those are things real coders have go wrong! Edit2: It finally works! Big thanks to @Skullyton and @Probe1 and the people in the howdoicode channel for taking a weekend to explain every way I managed to break a simple task and how to fix it 🆑 *rscadd: Adds two new plasmaman suits.

Merge request reports