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No-Fruit Compromise

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13699/ReactionNotPrediction into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Shadowmech88

I figured I'd see what people think of this change to no-fruit mechanics.

No-fruits and no-fruit pies now reshuffle their lists each time they reach the ends of them, rendering it impossible to predict the next result. To compensate, the cycling time has been reduced from once every decisecond to once every four deciseconds. It's now humanly possible to react to the no-fruit's appearance and hit it before it changes, though it's still not easy.

EDIT: In the interest of compromise, I've combined #13786 and #13807, removing as much theoretical lag as possible without changing the core functionality of the no-fruit.

  • No-fruits and no-fruit pies no longer play a sound when cycling.
  • No-fruit is now immutable.
  • No-fruit now requires ten times the nutrition to grow.
  • No-fruit can no longer roll prehistoric plants or vox plants.

I think that the reduction in cycling frequency, plus the removal of the sound, plus preventing them from being genetically modified, plus making them harder to grow in general, will make it far less trivial than it is now to produce enough no-fruit to tax clients, hopefully returning them to the position they were in for nearly a year without issue.


  • tweak: No-fruit and no-fruit pie cycling is now truly random, and can't be predicted.
  • tweak: The cycling speed of no-fruit and no-fruit pie has been reduced, so that it's now humanly possible to react to the fruit's appearance before it changes again.
  • tweak: No-fruit is now immutable.
  • tweak: No-fruit now requires ten times the nutrition to grow.
  • tweak: No-fruit can no longer roll prehistoric plants or vox plants.
  • sounddel: No-fruit no longer plays a sound when cycling.

Merge request reports