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Morphing Mask

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13791/Transmogrification into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Shadowmech88

Adds the transmogrify() proc to mobs. If this proc is called on a mob with a mob typepath as an argument, a mob of that type will be spawned and given a reference to the original mob, while the original mob is moved to nullspace and timestopped, effectively transforming into the new mob. If the original mob has a key, it is re-assigned to the new mob, so players can control the mob that they transform into. Calling transmogrify() without any arguments will, if the mob has a transmogged_from reference, move that mob to its current location, un-timestop it, transfer the key back, and then delete the current mob, effectively un-transforming it.

masks_display Adds the morphing mask, which does nothing by itself. However, an animal pelt may be applied to it to transform it into one of the masks in the image, which transform a mob into the depicted animal when worn. While transformed in this way, players receive a spell that allows them to transform back, removing the mask.

The rightmost mask is the amorphous mask. It cannot be crafted, and instead when spawned is colored a random color and then picks a random child of /mob/living/simple_animal to be its target transformation type.

Merge request reports