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High-Frequency Machete

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13826/machetekills into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: jknpj

Adds High-Frequency Machete, an alternative all-purpuse weapon to the iconic energy sword, and its upgraded form, the High-Frequency Pincer Blade "Bloodlust". Both come with tons of unique sounds for enhanced murderbone experience. Sprites by @Blithering


The machete, unlike the energy sword it is always medium sized, can't be used as a shield and even with in high-frequency mode its force lower (25 against esword's 30) but besides having higher sharpness (1.7) it also has other two fun gimmicks:

  • When in high-frequency mode it can instantly cut down kudzu.
  • When in normal mode it becomes a robust throwing weapon with 20 throwing force 8 speed and range.


Bloodlust was made with high risk high reward in mind. It is two-handed always large-sized weapon with 2.5 seconds attack delay packing whooping 34 force, 2 sharpness(really, really sharp.) and the ability to act as a shield, making it really strong but also really difficult to use and hide.

  • It keeps its ability to instantly cut down kudzu when in high-frequency mode(wielded)
  • Due being heavy, the bloodlust throwing force, speed range are always shit.


  • rscadd: Adds High-Frequency Machete to syndicate uplink, with a price of 8 TC each.
  • rscadd: Adds High-Frequency Pincer Blade "Bloodlust", it can be crafted using two high-frequency machetes.

Merge request reports