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Increased Mednano/Combatnano recipe yield. Removed Odysseus being able to analyze nanites and its children. Buffed Cyber Horrors slightly.

Created by: Fruktlimpa

This PR is related to this one #12987 simply because I got ideas from the old PR and this PR is more or less used to complement the other one.

Mednano/combatnano recipe yield increased to make it worthwhile doing the recipe. You will now get a maximum of 10 med/combatnanos from one roburger. 10 might feel like a very low amount but with my other PR hopefully getting merged it would mean the chem is much stronger and more reliable so even with a minor increase in yield it will be good I believe.

Cyber Horrors buffed slightly because of a discussion in the old PR. They felt weak and were downed very quickly to anyone with a weapon. I hope this change will make them more dangerous.

Odysseus cannot analyze nanites and its children anymore because otherwise the recipe would still be pointless. This PR used to add an error message to incompatible scans but Shadowmech has done it better in a different PR so I reverted it. 🆑

  • rscadd: Increased the yield on the mednano and combatnano recipe
  • rscadd: Buffed Cyber horror health and regen slightly
  • rscadd: Added an error message when trying to analyze a reagent the Odysseus can't
  • rscdel: Odysseus can no longer analyze nanites and its children

Merge request reports