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Double action(button) boogaloo

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13935/actionman into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: JustSumBody

revives the fuck out of #11606 god I hope my rebasing didn't fuck something somehow

Ports the action button/datum system from TG for objects This all JUST WORKS as it did six fucking months ago(which is perfectly fine, though I'm a bit uncomfortable with the way I made it work for holomap chips)

Reduces the need to hardcode number of action buttons, now can have as many action buttons as you need

Allows items to have multiple action buttons rather than being restricted to one, simply define the action datum and actions_types list of an item to include it. then override the items ui_action_click to do the appropriate thing depending on which action gets clicked Then define the action's Trigger proc to do whatever it is you need it to do probably Look it's been a WHILE since I looked at this code be gentle


Merge request reports