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AAC Fixes

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/13977/aac-fixes into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: N3X15

Executive Summary

Fixes and improvements for the Atmospherics Automation Console.

Fixes #13287 (closed), #12920 (closed)



  1. Modified tiny to add a simple air mixing setup using two injectors, a vent, an O2 and N2 can, and the air mixing AAC preset.
  2. Spawned as MoMMI and verified stop/start works.
  3. Verified clicking on run once produces "Execution Complete" in chat.
  4. Verified clicking again results in a "can only run once every 5 seconds" warning.
  5. F5'd to admin ghost
  6. Verified stop/start worked.
  7. Verified I could change settings in the script
  8. De-admin'd.
  9. Verified I could NOT toggle stop/start.
  10. Verified I could NOT change script settings.



  • rscadd: "AAC now has a \"Run Once\" button, which can only be used once every 5 seconds."

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