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Fixes flashes not working on those with negative eye protection

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/14034/FlashFix into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: SonixApache

Tested: Flashed catbeasts with and without eyewear, including sunglasses, welding helmets, mesons and thermals Tested rev conersion; it failed on those with positive protection and succeeded on those with negative protection.

Also tested: if helmets (syndies in particular) provide enough protection to cancel out thermals -- They do

edit: A quick look at the hardsuit helmet says it's got protection 3, and thermals are -2, so if my math isn't off that should work out just fine. Softsuits, however, do not provide enough protection with thermals on.


  • bugfix: Flashes now work on people with negative eye protection (mesons, thermals)
  • tweak: Knockdown from getting flashed now depends on the level of negative eye protection

Merge request reports