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Removes manifested ghost, reduces summon cultist requirement

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/14150/manifesto into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: JustSumBody

closes #14126

Logic being there is no way to make it balanced without just changing the method needed to power game around it(the type of healing chems you dose yourself with, limiting the number of ghosts at a time just means you recall spam for longer while you wait for it to recharge/trickle in ghosts) or just making it do so much damage that it's impossible to use for any meaningful period of time. At which point you just remove it.

The manifested ghost meta is so bad even fucking Yred has been asking for it to be removed.

IN ITS PLACE, to encourage people to actually value their fellow cultists, summon cultist now only needs two people near the rune.

Note this leaves it unaffected for harvesters and imbued tomes, I don't particularly care for those at that point.

Merge request reports