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Click code cleanup

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/1520/click_clean into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: wild-billy

Adds preAttack(), allowing items to interact independent of attackby() (eg guns, syringes, etc). Adds attackArmed(), allowing mobs to make modifications to attacks (eg hulks hit harder).

Cleans up the adjacency checks and adds canTouch() and isAbleBodied()

Removed click delay and adds an attack delay system in attackArmed() and UnarmedAttack(), which only applies to atoms with delayAttacks set. It uses the attackDelay var on items if the user is armed, otherwise it uses the user's attackDelayUnarmed var. This is cleaner and adds a new dimension to combat balance, allowing weapons to have different attack rates (eg kitchen knives can be faster than fireaxes) in the future. Also allows users to have different unarmed attack speeds (eg hyperzine could increase it)

Improved organization by removing the _onclick folder and moving objects' interaction code to their own files (eg mob code in, atom code in, airlock code in

Tested and working as far as i know, but this is a lot of changes so the more testing the better.

Merge request reports