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Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/232/Hospitality into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: SarahJohnson489

Adds a bunch of constructables.


Hydro trays start wrenched down and can be properly unwrenched, moved, wrenched, and still work Water/weeds/pest/etc all work fine Smart fridge loads and vends properly. Seed stats don't get changed Seed extractor properly extracts and maintains the seed stats Biogen accepts plants, grinds properly, enter/ejects beakers properly, makes fertilizer, milk, meat properly Meat spiked a monkey and harvested meat Microwave cooked food and after grinding had the proper amount of reagents in them Cursory check to make sure the large beaker works now that I fixed the address nutrimax and megaseed in and tested Tested the grinder with a syndie cake. Worked and quantity of reagents was accurate Stuffed the clown pilot in the gibber and it worked

Existing Issues: Things I'd need an actual coder to do:

Goddamn microwave has ALL the components and the circuit board inside its "ingredients" container after construction. Meat spike deconstructable via wrenching. - It's constructable with 2 metal sheets. Enable maint panels via screwdriver on all of the machinery - microwave, smartgrinder, seed_extractor, hydroponics (hydro tray), biogenerator, nutrimax, megaseed Machines deconstructable via open maint panel+crowbar like autolathes, exofab, etc.

Plant bags able to dump into microwaves. Seeds into megaseed servitor with expandable tabs based on plant species with a Potency:yield:production:endurance to differentiate quality of the seed. Shit can just be vended and stuffed in the storage room if bloat becomes an issue. Or maybe a seed destroyer option as griffbaity as that'd be Smart fridge doesn't give the "No Products Loaded!" message after construction and when re-emptied Hydro trays need to start at 0 water 0 fertilizer Vending machine code reworked to accept stock whitelisted by the vending machines board when the maint panel is open. aka stick seeds into the medaseed servitor A jerry rigged "deconstruction lock wire and restock wire" Vending machines vomit their stock out when deconstructed to keep in line with~ Constructed vending machines start empty

Since you can just build more megaseed/nutrimax and essentially generate more seeds and fertilizer you may want to comment it out due to abuse potential. They're all semi-invul walls until they can be deconstructed. I didn't think at all on tech levels, components etc. I just threw stuff in there to get that out of the way. Feel free to adjust.

Merge request reports