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Small range increase for the disposal pipe dispenser's recycling

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/2708/draggg into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: DeityLink

Players can drag and drop most things from a tile further away as long as they themselves are next to the destination (which applies for things like dragging bodies in cryo/on a surgery table, monkeys into the recycler, etc) but the disposal pipe dispenser required the pipe as well to be right next to the machine, which can be inconvenient when the pipe has density (in the case of a bin or an outlet). With this, the disposal parts can now be drag and dropped like for every other case in the game from two tiles away from the dispenser.

It's really a small change, but it's been an annoyance for a while, and it led some people to believe that they couldn't get rid of disposal pipes once they got them out.

Merge request reports