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Span fixes + small fixes

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/3307/doesanybodyactuallyreadthese into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: clusterfack

Fixes any transformation getting people stuck as contents during transfomation. Span class fixes for all of atmospherics files. Calls new ..() for dice, adds minsides for admins to play with Fixes bug where people would magically change the size of objects using wrapping paper Fixes #3075 (closed), health analyzers and pda carts call from a uniform proc based on health analyzers, with the carts taking the less verbose mode form. Fixes #3176 (closed), stack add to stack is fixed, causing welding shards to stack into glass under you for example. Fixes #3305 (closed), sprite issues and crowbar issues for the suit storage unit are resolved. Fixes #3294 (closed), mr clean will no longer set hell universe as the universal state, or create narwalls with bump. Fixes #3219 (closed) and Fixes #2793 (closed), mommis (and borgs) can interface with the AIO grinder now

Merge request reports