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Labeler Redux: Part 1: Attempt 2

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/3357/labeler-test into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Exxion

I apparently still can't fix conflicts without fucking everything up. Closed and reopened. Same changes as last time, just all in one oddly-named commit. Here's the last one's description:

A bunch of small-to-medium improvements to hand labelers. I intend for this to be the first batch of several with more interesting things to come, but we'll have to see how that works out.


  • Labels can be removed either through the right-click menu or a verb in the Object tab.
  • Labeling an item multiple times no longer continues adding labels, but replaces the label.
  • Labelers can no longer label infinitely. Each time a label is placed, it uses an amount of label "ammo" equal to the length of the message plus two (to represent a small empty space at each end of the message and to try to prevent tiny-label fuckery).
    • Labelers start with 250 units of label.
    • Label rolls are used to refill this.
      • Trying to reload an already-loaded labeler switches the label rolls rather than simply refilling the labeler. Reloading an empty labeler uses the label roll and does not drop an empty one or something.
      • The current label roll can be removed by clicking the labeler with an open hand while it is in your inactive hand (though I'm not sure why you'd have to do this).
      • Cargo can order a crate of three boxes of seven label rolls each for $10 because they are basically useless. This is exactly enough to label Beepsky "SHITCURITRON" 375 times, so the Clown should be happy with this purchase.
    • Messages are cut off if there isn't enough label left in the labeler to write them.
    • The user is alerted when the labeler has too little label to write the currently-selected message.
    • Both labelers and label rolls say how much label they have left when examined.
  • Sprites for the label roll box, empty labeler, and label roll. They are all a bit shitty, though.

Possibilities for future parts:

  • Better sprite for empty labeler and label roll box and real sprite for label roll itself (it's currently a recolored police tape sprite).
  • Actual use for labeler other than dicking around.
  • Placing label rolls in more appropriate places on the station. (Added numerous boxes of them after initially writing this, but they could probably be placed better.)
  • An actual representation of the label being cut off.
  • A secret I kind of have planned but would rather reveal when/if I actually do it.

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