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[DNM] Advanced Tools

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/4257/advtools into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Exxion

This PR is mainly for the purpose of being pointed to as a reason for using construction datums, but I am actually working on things. Sprite work will, at some point, be required, but not necessarily yet. If someone wants to, though, go ahead. All changes to tool speeds or tools with speeds other than the default use the speed system from #4216, so they only work on constructon that uses construction datums. Currently, this is only mechas, spacepods (whose construction steps are all instant anyway), and flatpacks, as far as I know. So please use construction datums if you add construction and/or deconstruction to something. Comic made a super helpful guide on it. I'll work on porting existing things to construction datums, too.

Current changes:

  • The socket wrench is now twice as fast as the standard wrench so it's actually special other than for one single use.

Planned changes/additions:

  • Advanced tools from R&D
    • Power screwdriver, wrench, crowbar (maybe), wirecutters (really maybe)
      • Require research, but not much
      • Pretty much like the standard versions except they require power cells and are much faster
    • Arc welder
      • Also requires a bit of research
      • Uses a power cell instead of welder fuel, but slightly slower than a standard welder
        • Power draw configured so the smallest power cells last around as long as a standard welder
      • Only blinds and uses power while in active use, not just while turned on
      • May also include an advanced variant which has much higher research requirements, but is faster than a standard welder
    • MIG welder
      • Uses a power cell plus wire instead of fuel
        • Similar power consumption to the arc welder
        • Holds 5 or 10 cable pieces, each lasting around as long as a standard welder (maybe a little shorter)
      • Vastly faster than a standard welder, but only for construction. Either incapable of deconstruction or much slower at it (haven't decided).

And I'm open to other suggestions, too.

Merge request reports