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Gives HUD Element Pooling

Created by: clusterfack

What it is meant to do

-Pools obj/screen and its subtypes -Pools grabs -Finishes moving hud files into the hud folder -Deletes duplicate hud files -Helps with narsie lag and fixes #3736 (closed)


Because if you use delete on a mob you're going to end up with like 20-30 deletes of all this screen shit. Instead you'll just be deleting the one mob. And since nothing really nulled references to the obj/screens correctly or even qdeleted them, they would lag up the server when a mob is deleted like narsie's endgame.

What's left

  • Making sure EVERY reference to these screen objects is nulled, probably
  • Making sure all references to grabs and obj/screens are pooled and return to pooled

Merge request reports