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New Revolution - Making Team Deatchmatch Better

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/5028/New-Revolution into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: dylanstrategie

From the creator of Meteors 2 : Electric Boogaloo and other FUN! code experiments comes a new step in trying to make gamemodes no-one likes even less liked better

New features and other changes include :

  • Revolutionary Implants. Because everyone is sick and tired of magical flash conversions
  • Experience a whole new level of actually having to git gud by being forced to subdue your target for long enough to stick them with a needle. Flash provided, way to shut them up isn't is, and it is your buddy the parapen. C4 not included
  • Experience a limited supply of conversions. Every guerilla fighter is precious, and if your little clique just flies straight into Security's windshield you're fucked. gg no re (Current stock is 6 per Rev Head, so 21 Revs total. Ways to get more implants not yet included, maximum is two lockboxes with three implants and one implanter)
  • Experience all the risks of actually having a brainwashing implant. Lie about your track record when you get shoved into an advanced scanner. Avoid EMP blasts like the plague, they deconvert Revolutionaries and fuck Head Revs up (sometimes, 0.3 probability per close hit, 0.05 otherwise)
  • But seriously, if you are a Head Rev you better protect your shit. Being put under the scalpel or having your precious super rev implant exposed to a good old EMP will cause you to die very hard. You've been warned
  • A whole new level of actually having to get your hands dirty. Instead of flashing half of the civilian crew on station and then scooting off to hide in some Maintenance locker with a stash of Library porn, you will now have to be on the ground
  • You have the means of production, of revolutionaries. Just like Cultists, you can't just hope for your new converts to get more people converted. You can obviously decide to entrust someone else with your remaining implants, but then you'll have to be careful. If they're caught, the implants are toast
  • A new radical mean of forcing leaders to arise. While Head Revolutionaries can tell all their fellow Revs with magical floating bubbles, regular Revolutionaries only recognize Head Revolutionaries. Now, you will have to organize the rabble, and the rabble will have to hold up on the murderboning. All the more reasons to organize and stay undercover
  • Experience a new level of stress with shuttle calls. Nanotrasen's official policy about revolutionary movements is no longer to wait around doing fuck-all, but to try and recover all remaining loyal crewmen and heads. If the shuttle extracts successfully with heads, the crew wins a minor victory. Otherwise, the Revolutionaries win a minor victory. All the more reasons to guard that Shuttle Bridge until it docks
  • Experience a new level of not having the round end three minutes in because the Research Director, being the only head, decided to take a trip to the Asteroid. Heads and Head Revs can now be anywhere and not automatically lose. Of course, it's a dumb thing to do for Head Revs since the crew can call the shuttle, and Heads can get the boot for extending the round for no reason (and will cause a Revolutionary Victory if they don't show up for the shuttle)
  • The Chaplain is now nonconvertible. He is already devoted to god, and stuff
  • If Revolution jobbans get implanted, they die. I'm not too sure about that one, but the Cult already handles this by turning them into an Artificer, aka taken out of the round
  • RIP Anti-Rev and RP-Rev, we never knew ye

Word of warning concerning merge-ability, not every change could be tested. Detailed list of what was and wasn't tested and certified as working below

Shit that was tested and should work as far as I can tell :

  • Implanting, being implanted, having your implant removed via surgery or melted down via EMP along with all associated effects (conversion, deconversion, death, blacklists)
  • Removing flash conversion
  • Adding all items that will be used by Head Revs
  • Rev icons, making sure Head Revs see everyone and Regular Revs only Head Revs
  • Most fluff text

Shit that wasn't tested :

  • Victory code. Little to no changes, only shuttle victory was added (finished = 3)
  • Most of the actual, technical gamemode code that can't be done by simply turning mobs into Revs (objectives, initialization, victory conditions, victory, other checks)

Discussion goes below. This isn't WIP, but changes can always be made

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