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Sound Synthesizer for Service Borgs.

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/512/Bleeding-Edge into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Heredth

Putting me down in front of a computer and telling me to code something can be likened to putting a monkey in front of a type writer, then telling it to write the completed works of Shakespeare.

This is because my coding process involves a lot of shit slinging, and turns out to be barely legible and barely usable. Also, Tybalt turns out to be a pimp, and hamlet is played by Kurt Cobain, and those characters are in the same book for some reason. God damn it Balthazar.

But I guess as Mr. Cobain said in a suicide note to his imaginary friend, its better to burn out then fade away.

So I buckled down, and gave a try.

About fourteen compiles later I had managed to mangle two pieces of code together. It didn't work.

After about fourteen more compiles, I managed to get what I have today. I don't doubt that I have made some sort of error, but I can at the very least say that everything wont break instantly.

So, here we are.

Its a sound thing for robots, you can change the sound in the objects tab, and you can play the selected sound by using it on itself.

It didn't break whilst compiling, so It should work out fine. But I would really take a look at it, just in case.

You never know what could happen when I start throwing my own feces.

Merge request reports