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IAA demotions and gold stars

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/520/Bleeding-Edge into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Cutelilduck

  • Updated the fax machine with a new department in the list, Nanotrasen HR. Only shows up if the check_access has lawyer access, so heads cannot do this.
  • Went ahead and fixed fax machine destination becoming un-selectable bug if you do not select a department and walk away/close.
  • Added 2 sprites in contraband.dmi and card.dmi
  • All leather briefcases now spawn with the two fax keys. Who uses them anyways? For rounds with no IAA, the keys still exist in the two briefcases in their office for captains and such.
  • Tried to fit as much of my stuff as possible into human_resources, but had to go to a few other places. ID cards have one tiny new variable.
  • Only graphical error is someone attempting to change their job with a banned ID will get the computer buzzing error message, but everything will still function as intended.

Demotions: New demote_key, spawned by sending a demotion paper to HR via fax with 1800 spawn cooldown, checked using an un-reproducable stamp text. Use the chip in your hand to set a name, must match ID target exactly, and then stamp the chip as many times as you want. Then apply to the ID, use centcom_old sprite update, and they lose access.

Checks include name matches, name must be set before stamps can be used, only one chip per card, and captains ID is immune due to icon_state check to prevent situations where ALL IDs could be banned with no access. Stamps represent access from get_region_accesses(#) and the HoP covers both cargo and supply jobs, and is the only head immune to his own stamp. The Captains stamp removes command access and HoP access. If any other head stamps and chips himself, he loses access to his head office too, but not the bridge unless the Captain stamped it too, etc.

Finally, the ID computer cannot revert the changes to the card and a new ID must be made to ultimately regain access. Added fail messages and a messy way to remove access when they try to add it back because access code is a weird dick. I made sure that assigning "jobs" instead of clicking access does not work for them either.

Commendations: Use commendation key in fax to Nanotrasen HR, receive a gold star poster with cooldown(1800). Put the poster in the end of tgposters and used the serial in to just always pick the last one when spawning this poster via fax. Also, added a slight adjustment to the general poster code so it does not randomly spawn the gold star poster.

Merge request reports