Delicious Pie
Created by: Kurfursten
- Tweak: All pies are now children of pie, which makes them throwable
- Content: New trash item for pies. Instead of plates, they produce pie tins.
- Tweak: Throwing a pie generates a pie tin
- Content: Putting two pie tins together makes a tinfoil hat
- Content: Tinfoil hat: blocks the HUD (but not the examine features) of the SecHUD, blocks teleportation, and blocks mind_affecting powers when worn
- Tweak: Re-examined the code of some powers and spells. Now has var/mind_affecting which uses the old human/proc/can_mind_interact. The implication of this is a greater defense provided by PSY_RESIST and now tinfoil hats.
- Tweak: Made the fail text on can_mind_interact more descriptive
- Tweak: Added mind_affecting = 1 to remoteview, empath (mind read), project_mind, and mindswap
- Content: Discount Dan pies! Cheap comedy humor available at your neighborhood vendor. Just don't eat it.