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Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/5950/Lawgiver2 into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Shadowmech88

Adds the lawgiver pistol. It can fire taser bolts, laser cannon beams, assault rifle bursts, flares, and gyrojet rounds. Its magazine contains five of each, and is replenished in a recharger. Firing mode is changed by voice command. The gun cannot be fired unless it has a DNA sample registered to it. If someone attempts to fire it and their DNA does not match the lawgiver's record, it will explode. If the user is wearing an ID with security access it will not explode, but it still won't fire. The assault rifle bullets are modified versions that do ten damage each, for a total of 30 brute per full burst, which I think balances the fact that it doesn't need a cooldown that an assault rifle does. Furthermore, they don't knock people over. The flares that the lawgiver fires can set people on fire just like the syndicate flare gun can.

I've changed gyrojet rounds to explode on bump rather than on hit. This means that they no longer penetrate (which frankly their penetration was terrible anyway, I could only get them to go through some glass airlocks) but now they do explode when hitting things like girders, bookcases, and lockers instead of just vanishing when they them.

Merge request reports