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the Portals update

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/6032/handtele into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: DeityLink


  • Hand-Tele portals are no longer dense, they teleport atoms that pass over them, which means that they now preserve inertia of moving/thrown atoms, and that projectiles can go through them. Emitter beams can go through them as well.
  • Hand-Tele "chance of failure" is no longer determined when the atom crosses the portal, but instead when the portal is created.
  • Portal sprites now updates to give you a glimpse of the turf on the other side. So pay attention when the portal's background looks like space!
  • Hand-Tele now spawns "pairs" of linked portals. Atoms that cross a portal are sent right on top of their linked portal.
  • You can hit a portal with the hand-tele that created them to instantly delete both linked portals.
  • Every time you use the Hand-Tele, you consume a "charge". You get 1 charge back every 30 seconds, maximum of 3 charges.
  • You can hit a portal with your hand or another item to go through them. Useful if the portal is right underneath you, or on top of a wall.
  • Portals have new sounds.
  • Portals no longer produce sparks every time they are created/crossed. Only when they close.
  • Some of the changes to portals also apply to the Teleporter Hub, which isn't dense anymore either. It's chance of failure however still occurs when an atom crosses it, for now.
  • Added an admin spawnable-only new experimental weapon, the (suspens)......... Portal Gun. Who wulda thought.
  • Unlike the hand-tele, the portal gun can only sustain two portals at a time, but those portals last 5 minutes instead of 30 seconds.
  • The portal gun requires no energy and has no cooldown, but you require a clear line of sight of the place where you want to spawn a portal.
  • If a mob is hit by a portal gun projectile of a colour, and there is a portal of another colour from that same gun in the world, the mob will immediately go through the newly-made portal.
  • Just like with the hand-tele, you can hit a Portal Gun-made portal with your portal gun to close it prematurely. It won't close its linked target though.
  • Unlike in the Portal series from Valve, gases don't go through portals, for obvious balance reasons.
  • Unlike in the Portal series from Valve, you CAN shoot portals through other portals. Aperture Away Mission anyone?

Merge request reports