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Adds superglue (third time's the charm)

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/6295/honk3x into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: unid15

200 changed files because most of the instances of drop_item() had to be changed. There's no way to not have this many changes without unintended features

This is just like tg's NODROP but instead of a flag there's a variable.

  • Added a "cant_drop" variable to items. When set to 1, the item can't be dropped at all.
  • Clown and mime traitors can buy a bottle of superglue for 3 telecrystals.
  • The superglue can be used once to make any item absolutely undroppable. The only way to get rid of it once you pick it up is to cut your hand off.
  • Admins can spawn an infinite bottle of superglue


  • C4 - attempting to plant it on something will start the timer, but leave it glued to you. Woops!

Fun fact: this costs more TC than a one-time use item that permanently removes a player from a round

Other changes:

TK grabs and offhands now have "abstract = 1".

Merge request reports