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wherein I try to make shitcode not shit but unfortunately it quickly proves to only bring me wracking grief and impotent frustration at multiple things at once so I end up not doing that

Created by: 9600bauds

adds "empty soda can" verb does some mortar bullshit i honestly forgot what fixes #7511 (closed) (would have been useful if the report mentioned this bug was only for mortars in the first place) fixes #7687 (closed) because I am a huge fucking autist apparently

i struggled with this horrible, horrible whitespace bullshit where all of git was collectively throwing errors at me and I lost some changes at which point I couldn't even roll back the whole thing because holy jesus FUCK the only thing worse than esoteric git awfulness that has no reason for existing is esoteric git awfulness that has no reason for existing and entirely orbits around changes that are literally not there and do not matter and all of which is happening while you're kind of drunk so fuck this whole thing I am not unshittening grinders, they remain the shittiest code I have seen, I tried to fix it and I gave up and so will you

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