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Adds thermo-regulation directly into Cryo.

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/8190/justCHILL into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: 9600bauds

When a patient is under 31C, ejecting them from Cryo will take 4 seconds, during which their temperature will be regulated to 34.5C (meaning they will only shiver for a little while). Adds pressurehiss.ogg, which is played when said cycle starts. Added an "Occupant body temperature" reading to the Cryo UI. It becomes green when the patient's body temp is low enough for Cryoxadone and Clonexadone to work. Webbum: (splash now lasts a little longer than that)

Addresses part of #8047 Intended to go along with #8194 This is also a discussion on whether this ejection delay should be present or not. I think this should be left to player choice.

Merge request reports