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Modifications to the cryptographic sequencer

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/8493/patch-7 into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: icantthinkofanameritenow

To answer the complaints that the e-mag is too versatile and too powerful for its cost to the point where it invalidates all other traitor items, I'm considering one of two approaches:

  1. Raise its price. This is what I have already coded, and if needed can be performed in conjunction with the second approach.
  2. Re-enable one of its older features which was removed in 2014, in which it expended energy to function but could regain said energy over a period of time. This would make it impossible to just emag open every door on the station. (Some features also expended more than one unit of energy at a time, which could again force players to use it carefully- subverting a borg should take more energy than just breaking a door.)

Merge request reports