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Hallucination removing chemicals, made from hallucination causing chemicals

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/9498/hallucinationchems into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: Intigracy

+- tweak: "Citalopram and Paroxetine are no longer useless fluff bay chemicals. They now remove hallucinations when they're in your system, with Parox being the stronger of the two. Overdosing (15 units) on either of these results in brain damage." +- tweak: "Citalopram removes 20 units of hallucination at a time, plus 5 units of mindbreaker, and is made from a unit of mindbreaker, a unit of oxygen, and a unit of inaprovaline (2 units as a result)." +- tweak: "Paroxetine removes 90 units of hallucination at a time, plus 10 units of mindbreaker and 5 units of spiritbreaker, and is made from a unit of citalopram and a unit of spiritbreaker (2 units as a result). It has a 10% chance per tick to instead deal 1 clone damage to you instead of removing hallucinations."

also adminordrazine now removes spiritbreaker along with everything else it does


Will update wiki when merged.

closes #9456 (closed) since the issue there was how badly spiritbreaker fucks you up. Since it's so easy to get spiritbreaker, it's also as a result that easy to fix it (since the awesome recipe requires spiritbreaker). It's still easy to get spiritbreaker en masse if you're good at using the no-fruit, but otherwise I removed the assburger having spiritbreaker.

closes #8720

Merge request reports