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Sound changes and additions - WIP (oh god please don't merge)

Rob Nelson requested to merge pull/972/Bleeding-Edge into Bleeding-Edge

Created by: IratePirate

Completely experimental at the minute due to my bare minimum of knowledge regarding coding. Some people who actually know about this stuff could help by commenting on fuckups esp regarding MoMMIs, Wizard teleport, mech sound changes, and general things to avoid doing.

mommi specific voice sound files, several sound bytes it can use e.g. excuse me, hi, would you like coffee? etc. for general cuteness' sake added sound to dice roll added sounds to attacks with tools such as the welding torch, crowbar etc. added a beep when plastic explosives are armed some sounds for slicing weapons changed new sounds for blob new sounds for when a changeling violates someone sounds for the gibber new explosion sounds added changed emp sound changes to dartgun, ebow and syringe gun sounds. More distinct. more smushy beating sounds and piercing slicey sounds new shotgun sound pai startup noise sound for wizard teleport new ion rifle sound whip sound for the chain of command new staff of change sound new radgun sound rejigged SMG sound detective scanner given a sound lots of new mech sounds cult constructs have more fitting attack sounds new grenade launcher sound improved(?) chem grenade sound durand lockdown has a sound and there is a new mech entry sound staff of change has a new sound to differentiate it from the emitter

This will most likely be a clusterfuck, but i'm putting it here so people can give me advice or help with it.

Examples (Grenade Launcher) (Ling absorption) (staff of change/radgun) (mech smash) (ion weapons)

Merge request reports